Company overview

We strive to create an effective and comprehensive learning experience for students. Here are some key areas that we possess:

  1. Expertise: We have a team of qualified instructors who are experts in the field of AI, BI, Deep learning, Django, Tableau and Data science. They have deep knowledge and practical experience in various  technologies, tools, and techniques.

  2. Curriculum: Our curriculum is well-designed, covering a wide range of technical concepts, from fundamentals to advanced topics. It is  regularly updated to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of technology and designed to meet the needs of different skill levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners.

  3. Hands-on Learning: Practical, hands-on learning is an integral part of the course. Students have opportunities to work on real-world projects, apply what they have learned, and gain practical experience through coding, model building, and experimentation.

  4. Flexibility: We offer flexible learning options, such as online courses, self-paced learning, and blended learning (combination of online and offline) to accommodate the diverse needs of learners. This include access to relevant software tools, datasets, and resources.

  5. Support: We provide comprehensive support to students, including access to a community of fellow learners, forums, discussion groups, and regular interactions with instructors for clarifying doubts and getting feedback on assignments.

  6. Practical Applications: We emphasize the practical applications in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, marketing, and transportation, and provide examples and case studies to help students understand the real-world implications of Tech-Courses.

  7. Ethical Considerations: We emphasize the ethical considerations and implications of AI, including topics such as bias, fairness, transparency, and accountability. Students  educated on responsible technical practices and the ethical implications of the respective learned technologies.

  8. Industry Collaboration: We are collaborating with leading AI companies and industry partners to provide students with real-world exposure, internship opportunities, and industry-relevant projects to gain practical experience.

  9. Continuous Learning: We promote a culture of continuous learning by encouraging students to keep updating their knowledge and skills in the ever-evolving field of technology through ongoing education, workshops, and professional development programs.

  10. Affordable Pricing: We provide courses at a reasonable and transparent pricing structure, making technical education accessible to a diverse group of learners.

In summary, We are knowledgeable, flexible, practical, supportive, ethical, industry-relevant, and affordable, with a focus on creating a comprehensive learning experience for students to succeed in the field of technology


Mevik Academy continues to grow ever day thanks to the confidence our clients have in us. We cover many industries such as AI, BI, Django, Machine Learning, IOT, Data science and many more.

Our Mission

Our renowned coaching programs will allow you to:

  • Exposure to Advance Technology
  • Provide Tech-based Solutions
  • Empower Businesses and Individuals
  • Upgrade individual skills and Knowledge
  • Support Schools and Universities.
  • Foster Collaboration and Innovation
  • Promote Technical Education and Awareness

How we work

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How can we help you?

Contact us at +91 7678241267; For more details kindly explore and for complete information reach us at our office.

Python allowed me to create my own programs and projects, with creativity and innovation. using Python to build games, websites, applications, and other software projects, has created the biggest need for me to learn them. Now I can express my ideas and bring my imagination to life and forwarding towards best career.

College Student, Australia

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